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Live Blood Analysis



Live Blood Analysis, also know as live blood cell analysis, nutritional microscopy or sometimes dark-field microscopy biological terrain assessment, is fundamentally the analysis of lving blood under an extremely powerful microscope connected to a camera.


       The condition and quality of your red blood cells have a direct impact on your present and future health, with stress and disease appearing in the blood years before they manifest in the body. So what do you blood cells look like?


       Live blood testing enables us to see your blood exactly as it behaves inside your body, giving a clear picture of your health at a cellular level. We are not looking for patterns that lead to a "diagnosis" in any shape or form, but are merely looking for imbalances in the PH levels in your blood.


       One drop of blood has about 5 millions blood cells. One is able to journey in the jungle of the blood of the individual to understand the status of that person´s health.


       Some of the things that you may find in a person´s blood are:


ROULEAUX    Blood looks like a stack of coins. You feel dehydrated and fatigued. Rouleaux is as a result of undigested protein, processed food and also from lack of enzymes.


PLAQUE    Looks like cut glass. This can lead to artherosclerosis which is hardening of the areries and this can cause blood clots. Plaque is caused by excess fat intake from fry foods, refined sugars and animal fats.


       It is very important to do a live blood analysis.


       Check your blood... your river of life!



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